MAKE TIME WITH GOD A PRIORITY"The fight of your life should be that of keeping the presence of God until you finish your course in the world"SERMONS Slide 1Slide 1Slide 1Slide 1 Kingdom Light Global Church Kingdom light global church is a ministry that believes in the keeping the word of God and then allow God to confirm his word through signs, miracles and wonders. The keeping of the word is done twice every day at lunch hours and in the evening. MORE ABOUT US Setting the Tone for Your Day Make time with God a priority Watch and pray so that you will not enter into temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak. Mark 14:38 OUR DAILY DEVOTIONS Kingdom Light Global Church – KLGC PARTNERING IN GIVING Be the change you want to see in the world. Join our family of givers DONATE SERMONS NEWS & STORIES CALENDAR MUST WATCH! Casting Down Imaginations - Pastor Savious Muleya YouTube Video VVVPbUozbU1ZMXQ2Z2dNYXc3V1Fhanl3LmlEQVU0UnRPUFB3 POWERFUL REVELATION!! Come Now! Let Us Reason Together - Pastor Savious Muleya YouTube Video VVVPbUozbU1ZMXQ2Z2dNYXc3V1Fhanl3LnlsNTAzNlpqNWtj MUST WATCH! Contrary Winds Pastor Savious Muleya YouTube Video VVVPbUozbU1ZMXQ2Z2dNYXc3V1Fhanl3LnItS1pwRlVfOUJ3